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SecureTech is in the Top 20 global partners of Panduit with this Platinum partnership achievement. The virtual announcement is being done by the President and CEO of Panduit led by Dennis Renaud, and Dr. Abdulla Al Nuaimi along with the team representing SecureTech. This is the best yet of many more to come. A moment...


SecureTech achieved Huawei’s highest tier solution partner status “Value Added Partner (VAP) 2020 – 2022”. To earn VAP certification SecureTech had to meet rigorous standards set forth by Huawei in Different Competencies, service, support and Customer satisfaction. Dr. Abdulla Al Nuaimi Founder & CEO of SecureTech receiving the award from Mr. David Shi, President, HUAWEI....


Emirates National Schools in cooperation with SecureTech support the continuation of the education by providing smart tablet devices for its students مــدارس الإمــارات الــوطنـيـة بالــتـعاون مـع سيـكـيـورتيــك تـدعـم اسـتــمـرار  الـعـمـلـية الـتـعلـيـميـة بـتـوفـير أجـهـزة الكـتـرونية لطلابها


SecureTech awarded with (Best Partner of the year for United Arab Emirates 2019) from Pivot3. The awarding ceremony was held during 2020 Intersec Dubai. The award received by SecureTech Founder & CEO, Dr. Abdulla Al Nuaimi from Mr. Anand Chakravarthi, Area Vice President from Pivot3. ضمن فعاليات معرض إنترسك دبي 2020، تسلمت شركة سيكيورتيك الرائدة...


Dr. Abdullah Al Nuaimi, Founder and CEO of SecureTech, met with Mr. Angus Hegarty, President of Dell EMC for EMEA. At the end of the meeting, the memorial photo was taken on the stand of the forum’s sponsor, SecureTech. على هامش فعاليات منتدى -دِل تكنولوجيز 2019- والذي أقيم بدبي بتاريخ 25/11/2019 برعاية شركة سيكيورتيك، التقى...


During GITEX Technology Week 2019, DELL EMC and SecureTech celebrated the Titanium Partnership Award, presented by Mr. Mohammed Amin, Senior Vice President, Middle East, Turkey and Russia for DELL EMC, to Dr. Abdullah Al Nuaimi, Founder and CEO of SecureTech. ضمن فعاليات أسبوع جايتكس للتقنية 2019، احتفلت كلا من DELL EMC وشركة سيكيورتيك بجائزة الشراكة...


Liwa Dates Festival 2019, Event sponsored by SecureTech – H.E. Major General Faris Khalaf Al Mazrouei presenting memento of appreciation to SecureTech LLC received by Dr. Abdulla Al Nuaimi -Founder & CEO- of SecureTech,   معالي اللواء فارس خلف المزروعي يكرم شركة سيكيورتيك بالدرع التذكاري لمهرجان ليوا للرطب 2019 تقديرا لرعاية الشركة ودعمها للمهرجان، تسلم...


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